Mene Mene Tekel U'Pharsin

Overcome by terror, Belshazzar called for his soothsayers. No one could interpret the inscription. The Queen suggested that they check with Daniel, one of the exiles from Jerusalem, who was summoned to solve the riddle. Daniel asserts that while his father Nebuchanezzar humbled himself before the Lord, Belshazzar's impious desecration of the sacred vessels had called forth immediate punishment. The cryptograms, reduced to three, are to be deciphered as follows:

Mene - numbered; God numbered your reign and ended it.

Tekel - weighed; you have been weighed in the balance and found wanting

Pharsin - divided; your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persians.

The story ends with Daniel being given the insignia of nobility and Belshazzar being killed the night that very night.

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